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[實習主題] -- 校園自動駕駛車輛路徑優化:融合信任驅動人工智能與電腦視覺

指導老師: 謝依芸 教授

專案經理: 楊建恆

實習名額: 1-2位

是否同意遠距: 是

專案類型: 探索型 (預期讓實習生體驗研究的過程,並探索研究興趣與方向)



The emergence of autonomous vehicles (AVs) has rebuilt the concept of transportation, offering a potential solution to issues of efficiency, safety, and sustainability. In the predictable environment of a campus, AVs can provide an ideal solution for the mobility needs of students, faculty, and staff.

Computer vision plays a critical role in this framework. By incorporating advanced image recognition techniques, AVs can better understand and navigate their surroundings. The other specific focus of the research is on optimizing the routes taken by AVs within a campus setting. This involves creating algorithms that find the most efficient paths considering factors such as variable speed limits, pedestrians’ safety, and traffic density. Also, the research aims to address the trust issues associated with AV technology. By demonstrating the effectiveness of trust-driven AI and computer vision in reliably navigating a complex and dynamic environment like a campus, this research seeks to build confidence among users and stakeholders.

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